Sunday, February 11, 2018

bible in a year: week 6

This year a goal has been set to read the entirety of God's word and there is a host of women joining in on the journey.  Failure is always an option as we are each imperfect people but it is never a reason to give up!  Whether each day is done without fail, catch ups are needed, or some have to stop for a variety of reasons, each word read, no matter how many, will lead us to grow in wisdom, grace, and fellowship with both us and our creator.

It took less than a day of reading to get a deeper understanding of why one can study the bible for a lifetime and still glean new things.  In truth a lifetime is not enough.  As Saint Augustine said, "The bible is shallow enough for a child not to drown, yet deep enough for an elephant to swim.  Each verse opens up a new thought, a new question, a new understanding of what God has done and sometimes a confusion of why He is doing it.  In moments of questions research is good but there are times where I need to submit to His authority remembering what A.W. Tozer said in his book Pursuit of God, "God will not hold us responsible to understand the mysteries of election, predestination, and the divine sovereignty.  The best and safest way to deal with these truths is to raise our eyes to God and in deepest reverence say, "O Lord, Thou knowest." Those things belong to the deep and mysterious Profound of God's omniscience.  Prying into them may make theologians, but it will never make saints."

Genesis 38-44

So, I find it interesting that Judah, who is in the line of Jesus has just one short chapter explaining how he fathered twin boys by his sons' widow and then nothing else, but we have a HUGE story about Joseph, and man WHAT A STORY!

Joseph goes from low to high and low to high again, but not in emotion or spiritual presence, just in stature and societal importance.  The Lord made everything he did successful, even in prison.  And throughout all of it Joseph called on God, believed God was with him, knew His words were not His own but the ones God spoke through him.

Here's the deal, God needed Joseph to be a leader in Egypt.  The steps he took to get Joseph there didn't look fun or pretty but they were the ones He chose to use to make Joseph who He needed him to be.  And in the end He was able to save the lives of his brothers, they were able to have hearts changed by grief that showed in their fruit.  

Yeah, yeah, Joseph threw them in jail for three days, but I mean, when you get thrown in a pit and sold into slavery even the most holy of brothers has some anger to work out ;-)

Mark 8-14

Is it bad that one of my favorite verses was "sighing deeply in his spirit"  Obviously this was holy frustration because it's Jesus, but seriously He has had about enough of the pharisees.

I also cracked up at the verse describing the transfiguration that said, "extremely white as no launderer on earth could whiten them."  I read this two days after the Super Bowl where Tide laundry detergent definitely won by vote for best commercials!

In all seriousness though, these chapters in Mark are jam packed!  He shoves in a whole lot of stories in very few words.  Summarizing will be a tough job because there are so many specific stories instead of a few big ones so bullet points are coming at you.  These are the things that popped up, made me think, made me smile, or caused my heart to want to change.

* Mark 8 and Jesus talking to the about bread.  Just know, He will ALWAYS provide.
* 8:33, 35 You are not thinking of God's concerns but human concerns...whoever loses his life because of me and the gospel will save it.  
* 9:24 I do believe, help my unbelief
* 9:29 This kind can come out by nothing but prayer
* 9:35 be a servant of ALL
* After living through the hardest of marriage situations, Mark 10:9 remains a constant comfort knowing that what God has joined together, let no man (even yourself) separate.
* Mark 10 and receiving the kingdom like a child!  Dependently, openly, humbly.
* Like the rich young ruler, are my possessions ever keeping me from being in the Kingdom?  What possessions am I holding above Him?
* inspired by Mark 10:43-45, leadership corrupts you, so even in a position of leadership, be a servant.
*  The blind man in Mark 10 knew exactly what he wanted and said it to Jesus, I want to see.  Go to him with my specific requests.  He already knows my heart, let me be honest with him when I speak.  
* The widow gave from her poverty.  What do I give from?  Is there something I am short on that I can give out of that truly will be a felt sacrifice to my Father?
*ENDURE.  It is necessary that the gospel be preached to the nations.  You will be hated because of it, but the one who endures will be saved.  His Spirit helps us endure.
*THEN they will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds with great power and glory.
*Heavens and Earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.

Job 4-10

He has one friend telling him all the things God can do if only he'll repent of whatever evil he did.  He has another friend preaching him a prosperity gospel where if you do right, you get blessed.  

And there is Job, lamenting, laying bare his emotions, wishing not that he no longer existed, but that he never did.  Job knows he had zero hope on his own and had zero problems letting out his anguish.  He never tried to buck up and fix it by himself.  He knows no matter if it is in his suffering or in his joy, he is completely dependent on God.

Romans 8-14

I'm running out of mental capacity tonight as I attempt to collect my thoughts from the week.  This is not good when you're turning to Romans and seeing Romans 8 first on the list.  I feel as if I might as well just type out the next seven chapters word for word because only then could I have even attempted to include all the wealth there is within these pages.  

For the first seven chapters of this book Paul tried to explain to us our deep need and convince us of the one place those needs could be met, in the righteousness of Christ.  Now, understanding that, here comes the so now...  

Now because of Christ's righteousness that you are now living in after dying to yourself, there is no condemnation, there is a spirit of life and peace, there is an inheritance because of being adopted as His.  No sufferings can compare to the glory he can now reveal in us.  The Spirit, the helper, prays for us, intercedes for us, is wish us and nothing, nothing can separate us now.

We are chosen, selected, here for a purpose.  Zeal for God is good, but its resting in his righteousness that saves and it's simple.  Confess with your mouth, believe in your heart.  And now use those beautiful feet to bring the good news.  Have gospel, will travel.

We don't understand it, we can't understand.  He is unsearchable in his judgement, untraceable in his ways.  From him and through him are ALL things.  He is sovereign.  

Present yourself to him, sacrifice yourself to him.  Do not conform to the world, but to Christ.  and after that you are able to think of others first, using our gifts for Him, loving humbly, hoping, rejoicing with others, weeping with others, not repaying evil but living at peace knowing that He has it, vengeance and forgiveness alike.

Love will fulfill the law.

No need to walk in the darkness but to now wear the armor of light.  All the while remembering that we each have a journey with God that requires different things of us though all towards the same goal.  As long as it is for the Lord, those differences don't matter so why judge another for what they are having to walk in and through.  Instead pursue peace and build others up.

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