Wednesday, January 23, 2019

I'm a website!

Dear faithful readers,

There are no words to explain to you how thankful I am for those of you who have walked with me these last five years of exploring inner dispositions.  This little space on blogspot was instrumental in soothing wounds and building a voice.  It was in this space that I gained the courage to speak the words that God planted in my heart knowing that it did not matter how many people they reached as long as they reached the ones He planned for.  Some plant, some water, but He gives the growth and being a part of His plan for another is my greatest joy. 

As a Christmas gift, my husband built a website for me so that I may have a bigger space to share with you and others as well as have a place to prayerfully launch my book that is in the editing process.  Prayers would be much appreciated that it finds a space in the heart of an agent or publisher, despite the small platform this author has.  But I wholeheartedly believe that the same God who took down a might army with a small band of soldiers blowing trumpets and holding lanterns can take this book and make it known, because it will make Him known.

The new space for An Inner Disposition is at  Please come visit, come stay, come continue to follow as we explore our hearts, see how Jesus changes our inner dispositions, so that the light on the outside can shine brighter and farther.
